It’s my last day in India! Wow, it has been quite the trip. I’ve had so many incredible conversations with people about for my research topic and generally about how one should live their life and view their responsibility to other living beings. My mind is so full of ideas, which will hopefully soon arrange themselves into a thoughtful paper and presentation. I feel a lot of gratitude for the opportunity to learn a lot about the philosophy of non-attachment and non-ego involvement, and talk with some inspiring individuals who are really practicing it. I have definitely gained an aspiration to pursue my work with a different mental framework.

In between my interviews and yoga sessions last weekend, I took some off to go hiking with a group of Israeli friends I made. I really feel like I’ve spent the last week in Tel Aviv…Israeli friends, Israeli food, Israeli music, Jewish holidays…Bhagsu is really a strange place (but with very good falafel). Anyways, the Israelis and I took a climb up to Triund, this gorgeous plateau overlooking stunning snow-peaked mountains. It was definitely a highlight of my time in the Dharamsala area.
Looking forward to more in depth conversations about my time here with those who wish to have them! Namaste!