We would like to share the following workshop opportunity in Delhi with our network for publishing research work on China. Thanks to former ICKCBI Fellows Shreya Sen and Bhim Subba for sharing this great opportunity. The registration deadline is May 1, and the workshop cost is Rs. 500.

Preparing Research for Publication

An Institute of Chinese Studies – China Report – Shiv Nadar University Initiative

July 9-11, 2018
Shiv Nadar University
Gautam Buddha Nagar, Greater Noida, UP

China Report: A Journal of East Asian Studies, in association with Shiv Nadar University and Institute of Chinese Studies, invites applications to participate in this workshop from young researchers and academics interested in publishing their research related to China and its neighbourhood, including on India-China relations, India-China comparisons and aspects of India’s Asia policy. China Report is a peer-reviewed journal, now in its 54th year of publication, brought out by the Institute of Chinese Studies, Delhi, in association with Sage Publications.

The objective of the workshop is to hone the skills of researchers in preparing their work for publication. While researchers and academics are under constant pressure to publish their work in scholarly journals, not just for jobs and promotions but also to qualify for doctoral degrees, many find that they have not received the training necessary to produce work of publishable quality.
The workshop will focus on issues such as: the essentials of a good scholarly article; constructing an original argument; good research methodology, particularly in the context of writing about China and Asia; the style of writing suitable for scholarly work; reviewing the work of others; plagiarism; and proofreading, editing and revising an article.

The workshop will follow an interactive method. Participants will get an intensive, hands-on training in reading, critiquing, editing and revising their own work and that of others, which will be mentored by qualified faculty.

More details and the call for applications can be found here.

Download the Call for Applications @Writing Workshop